Register For Our Exclusive Webinar!

Unlock The Secrets: Twelve Lease Riders That Protect Landlords

Join us for an insightful webinar where you'll discover how to leverage residential lease riders and disclosure notices to safeguard your interests as a landlord.

Robert Friedman
Partner (Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC)

Justin Friedman
Attorney (Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC)

Register Now

Why Should You Join?

By joining the webinar, you'll gain the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to elevate your landlord game and achieve greater success in managing your properties. Don't miss out on this chance to take your property management skills to the next level!

Expert Guidance

Gain invaluable insights from seasoned attorneys with decades of experience in real estate law. Learn directly from industry experts who have navigated the complexities of landlord-tenant relationships and property management.

Legal Protection

Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect your investments and minimize legal risks. Learn how to effectively utilize residential lease riders and disclosure notices to safeguard your interests and avoid potential fines, lawsuits, and disputes.

Problem-Solving Solutions

Discover practical strategies for addressing common challenges faced by landlords, including dealing with problematic tenants, collecting unpaid rent, and ensuring compliance with housing laws and regulations. Learn proven techniques for resolving issues efficiently and effectively.

Exclusive Resources

Access valuable resources that will enhance your landlord toolkit, including e-books containing essential forms and course materials. Take advantage of this opportunity to equip yourself with practical resources that you can implement immediately to improve your property management practices.



Limited Spots Available! Join our empowering webinar on June 12, 2024, at 3:30 PM (Eastern Time) to gain expert insights from Attorneys Robert and Justin Friedman. Discover practical strategies for protecting your investments as a landlord using residential lease riders and disclosure notices. Get ready for an interactive Q&A session and learn about twelve essential forms that can safeguard your properties and streamline your rental agreements. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to elevate your property management game. Register Now 🌟

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Don't Miss Out On This
Exclusive Opportunity!

Join our empowering webinar on June 12, 2024, at 3:30 PM (Eastern Time) to gain expert insights.

Reserve Your Seat Now