Buffalo Personal Injury Attorney Discusses Surface Defects in Commercial Parking Lots

Buffalo Personal Injury Attorney Discusses Surface Defects in Commercial Parking LotsAs an experienced Buffalo Personal Injury Attorney, one of the things you need to know if you fall in a pothole or in a rut in a parking lot, after taking care of your medical issues, you want to make sure you get proper photographs of that area. Commercial business’ have a responsibility to make sure that their property is safe. By safe I mean there are no ruts and potholes, or other defects, in the parking lot. After taking care of your injuries, you want to make sure you get some good photographs and that we are able to conduct an investigation to talk to possible witnesses who may be aware of the conditions of that parking lot.

Did you get injured due to surface defects in a commercial parking lot?  If so, contact the experienced Buffalo Personal Injury Attorney Michael Ranzenhofer.

This educational legal blog was brought to you by Michael Ranzenhofer, an experienced Buffalo Personal Injury Attorney.

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