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New York Probate Lawyers

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    New York Probate Lawyers

    Answers  to Frequently Asked Questions about of New York Surrogate’s Courts

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    New York Probate Lawyers

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      New York Probate Lawyers

      Answers  to Frequently Asked Questions about of New York Surrogate’s Courts

      Protect your loved ones.  Safeguard your family and secure your assets. Find your peace of mind.

      New York Probate Lawyers

      New York Probate Lawyers

      Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about of New York Surrogate’s Courts

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        Since 1955, the experienced Buffalo estate planning attorneys at Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC has been dedicated to providing our Buffalo clients with quality estate planning services, such as drafting living trustswillspowers of attorneyhealthcare proxies, charitable planning documents, and more.  Pet owners, divorced people, same sex couples and unmarried couples also have special estate planning needs. Schedule a consultation
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        Mr. Ranzenhofer and his attorneys were great! My case was handled quickly and I got a great result – $300,000. I fell at my doctor’s office, so I knew it was a hard case. Mr. Ranzenhofer developed a strategy that got me a great result. I highly recommend Mr. Ranzenhofer and his team of attorneys.

        – Christine Rush

        Reasonable / Professional / Personable … Very nice man to speak to … He helped me feel safe and took away my fear in my legal situation. If or when needed he is ready to jump in and take over. Thank you, Carol

        – Carol Czosnyka

        We were treated in a respectful, professional and helpful manner while preparing our wills, healthcare proxies and power of attorney. Mr. Friedman took as much time as we needed to answer all of our questions and concerns. His staff was friendly and efficient. We highly recommend him.

        – John

        Highly recommended…Sam handled a case for me with a buffalo tow truck Company, we won our case and a judgment. Sam was highly professional knowledgeable and effective. He knows the local laws and how to get successful outcomes!

        – Mark

        I consulted with Justin Friedman in an effort to obtain reimbursement following damage to my personal property. Justin was diligent, tenacious, professional, and clearly dedicated to assisting me, all of which led to a very positive outcome. I was very impressed with his work and I highly recommend his office.

        – Lisa Kilanowski

        NY Probate Guide

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        NY Probate Guide

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        NY Probate Guide

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        The Surrogate’s Court are in every county in New York State   to hear cases involving the affairs of decedents, including the probate of Wills, and the administration of estates and trust proceedings. New York  Family, Supreme, and Surrogate’s Courts have concurrent jurisdiction over guardianships of the person and property of infants.

        New York Probate FAQs

        You are not required to have an attorney, estate proceedings can range from the relatively simple to the extremely complex. In many cases it may be impossible at the beginning of the process to foresee what questions or issues may arise. Therefore, it may be advisable to seek the assistance of legal counsel. If you are going to proceed without a lawyer, start by calling the appropriate Surrogate’s Court for information regarding the necessary forms. While court staff may provide legal information, they are prohibited by law from giving legal advice.
        When a person dies with real property or personal property titled in their own name.
        In the county where the decedent was domiciled.
        If there is a Will, the person named as the Executor, or, if they are unable to act, the person named as the Successor Executor. If there is no Will, any person interested in the estate under the laws of intestacy (i.e., and in order of preference: the surviving spouse, the children, the grandchildren, the father or mother, the brother or sister or other persons who are distributees and who are eligible and qualify), or a public administrator or a creditor.
        • Probate: The process by which a Will is proved to the satisfaction of the Surrogate (judge) to be the valid Last Will and Testament of the person who died (decedent).
        • Administration: A procedure for collecting and distributing assets of a person who died without a Will (intestate).
        • Voluntary Administration (also referred to as small estate administration): A simple and inexpensive method of administering the estate of a deceased person whose personal assets in the decedent’s name alone do not exceed $50,000 ,exclusive of certain types of property.
        • Trusts: NY Surrogate’s Court handles the following types of trusts:
        • Inter vivos trusts are created during the settlor’s lifetime.
        • Testamentary trusts arises upon the death of the testator under his/her Will.
        • Guardianship: The NY Surrogate’s Court handles the following types of guardianships:
          • Guardianship over an infant’s (child under 18 years of age) “person,” and/or “property”. A guardian is usually a family member who is granted authority to care for and make certain decisions for a child (for the “person”). Whenever a child receives money in excess of $10,000, someone must be formally appointed by the Court to safeguard these funds until the child becomes 18. Usually, a parent (the child’s “natural guardian”) is the person appointed “legal guardian” over these funds.
          • Guardianship over a person with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities and/or his/her property: An individual who is certified by at least two doctors (one of which must be a medical doctor; and one of which may be a licensed psychologist) as being unable to care for him/herself because of an intellectual or a developmental disability can have a guardian appointed by the Court to make decisions on his/her behalf.
        A Will is a written declaration of what a person wants done with their property upon death. A person who dies leaving a Will is said to die “testate.” The law requires certain formalities for a Will to be valid. A valid Will can transfer an interest in both personal property (e.g. bank accounts, furniture, stocks, clothing) and real estate. A Will allows a person to name a trusted individual to serve as an executor of the estate. It also can provide protection for family members; for example, trusts for adult incompetent children, or “sprinkling” trusts for minor grandchildren where a trustee has discretion to distribute income according to need. A petition to probate a Will must be filed in the Surrogate’s Court.
        If a lawyer prepared your Will for you, you may wish to discuss with him or her where to keep the original Will. Generally, the original Will should be kept in a safe place which will be easily accessible if it is needed. For a small or no fee, the Surrogate’s Court stores the Will for safekeeping. Each Will is kept confidential until the Court receives proof of death. Upon receipt of the proof of death, the Court will open the Will and it becomes a public document.
        A person who dies without a Will is said to have died intestate . Because the deceased person left no direction on how to dispose of their assets, New York law (EPTL 4-1.1) provides for how those assets will be distributed among the surviving members of the decedent’s family. Who gets what depends on who the living relatives are and their relationship to the Decedent. The family members who are entitled to a share of the Decedent’s estate when there is no Will are called “distributees”.  If the Decedent has:
        • a spouse (husband or wife) and no children the spouse inherits everything.
        • children but no spouse children inherit everything .
        • spouse and children* the spouse inherits the first $50,000 plus half of the balance. The children* inherit everything else.
        • parents but no spouse and no children* the parents inherit everything.
        • siblings (brothers or sisters) but no spouse, children*, or parents the siblings inherit everything.
        * If a child dies before the Decedent and had children of their own, then the Decedent would have grandchildren. Those grandchildren would step into the Decedent’s child’s place and inherit in place of the child. For children to inherit from their parents, New York State requires that there is legal parent-child relationship. In most cases this is not an issue but it’s not always clear.
        • Adopted children inherit just like a biological child.
        • Foster children and stepchildren will not inherit unless they were legally adopted.
        • Children born after the Decedent dies will inherit.
        • Children born outside of marriage, also called non-marital child, will inherit from a male Decedent if paternity is established
        • Grandchildren will inherit only if their parent (the Decedent’s child) dies before the Decedent died. If the Decedent has no family at all, then the property will go to New York State. A certified copy of the death certificate needs to be filed with the administration petition and other supporting documents in the Surrogate’s Court located in the county in which the decedent was domiciled (had their primary residence). There is a filing fee based on the size of the estate.
        If there is a Will that has been admitted to Probate, the person named as Executor or, if that person is deceased or unable to act, the person named as Successor Executor. If there is no Will, a person who qualifies under the laws of intestacy to serve as the Administrator. An Executor or Administrator serves as a fiduciary.
        The original Will and a certified copy of the death certificate need to be filed with the probate petition and other supporting documents in the Surrogate’s Court located in the county in which the decedent was domiciled (primary residence). There Will be a filing fee based on the size of the estate.
        If the value of the estate is under $50,000 (exclusive of certain types of property) and the decedent owned no real estate, a small estate proceeding may be filed. The filing fee is only $1.00. This proceeding is available for persons who died with or without a Will. You can use the free and easy DIY Forms Small Estate Affidavit program.
        Not necessarily. By operation of law, real property vests in the estate’s distributees at time of death. (Distributees are the persons entitled to share in an estate if there is no valid Will.) If your dad  died intestate (without a Will) and was not survived by a spouse, the property is owned by you and your siblings (as well as the children of any predeceased siblings) as of the time of his death. You should contact the appropriate tax office to see what the requirements are to list you as owners. You may also wish to consult a real estate attorney to prepare a deed to make the title to the property “cleaner.” If your dad died testate (with a Will), the property would be passed on in accordance with the terms of the Will and a probate proceeding may be necessary.
        If that is the only asset or the value of the total assets are under $50,000, (exclusive of certain types of property, the clerk of court can provide more information as to whether you qualify), you may file a small estate proceeding. If over the relevant monetary amount, you must file a full administration or probate proceeding.
        Yes. A probate proceeding or administration proceeding will be necessary. The Executor or Administrator can bring the action in the appropriate court. When a settlement is reached or a trial has been concluded, a proceeding should be brought in Surrogate’s Court to allocate and distribute the proceeds to the proper persons.
        Generally, a surviving spouse may file a “Right of Election” which would entitle him/her to take a share of the deceased spouse’s estate. Generally, this “election” must be made within six months from the date letters testamentary issue to the executor, but in no event later than two years after the decedent’s death; and may entitle her/him to the greater of $50,000.00 or one-third of the net estate, if the decedent died on or after September 1, 1992.
        The funeral director usually purchases several originals for your use. You may also obtain them from the Vital Statistics/Death Records Department in the municipality in which the person died. In New York City, contact the Department of Health.
        The Surrogate’s Court can provide forms and assistance on how to fill them out. You will need to file the child’s birth certificate and other required information and pay a $20.00 filing fee. Then, an investigation will begin and other procedures will be necessary. Most commonly, these proceedings are processed on the papers submitted to the Court, without the necessity of a formal hearing. However, in some circumstances, the court may require a hearing.
        The Surrogate’s Court’s ADR (alternative dispute resolution) program mandates, aside from appropriate exceptions, an automatic referral to the court’s mediation program.
        More Probate FAQs

        For further information, contact New York Estates attorney, Robert Friedman for a free consultation at 716.542.5444.

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