Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses Emotional Damages

Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses Emotional DamagesAs an experienced Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer, I often get a client who comes into the office and has been involved in a serious injury here in Buffalo. In addition to their physical injuries, they are often emotionally distressed. They want to know; can I recover for that emotional distress? What I tell them is that there are two important components of their claim. One is the physical injury and the second is the emotional distress and the way that it’s affected their life. The simple answer is yes, you can recover for the emotional distress that you’ve suffered, but there are some very important things that you need to do in order to be able to prove that you’ve suffered emotional distress. If you’ve been involved in an accident in Buffalo and you’ve taken care of your physical injuries, it’s important to consult with an attorney who has been practicing in this area for some time to learn about the type of physical injuries that you can recover for and what types of emotional distress you can recover for as well.

Have you developed emotional damages after an auto accident?  If so, contact the experienced Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer Michael Ranzenhofer.

This educational legal blog was brought to you by Michael Ranzenhofer, an experienced Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer.

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