Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer Explains If You Are Injured by an Out of State Uninsured Driver
As a professional Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer, people sometimes ask what happens if they are involved in an accident with an out-of-state driver who doesn’t have insurance.
- Generally, the first step is to check their own insurance policy in hopes that it includes SUM Coverage – or Supplemental Uninsured Motorist Coverage.
- If so, drivers who are hit by a person without insurance coverage can submit a claim under their own policy.
- SUM is insurance that enables that driver to make a claim against his or her own policy just as if the other driver had insurance.
Have you been involved in an accident with an out-of-state driver? Contact Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer Michael Ranzenhofer.
This educational legal video was brought to you by Michael Ranzenhofer, an experienced Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer.