Buffalo Child Custody Attorney Explains How Judges Determine Custody
As a dedicated Buffalo Child Custody Attorney , one of the most common questions parents ask is, “What’s going to happen with respect to custody of the children?”
- If the parents can’t decide what’s best for their children, the judge will decide custody issues based on the best interest of the child or children.
- What matters is not what’s best for the parents or for either set of grandparents, but what is best for the child or children.
- The court will often consider what the parties have done between themselves, but New York law sets forth the best interest standard, and that law will guide the court’s decision.
Are you and your ex unable to work out a custody arrangement? Â Contact experienced Buffalo Child Custody Attorney Michael Ranzenhofer for strong representation.
This educational legal video was brought to you by Michael Ranzenhofer, an experienced Buffalo Child Custody Attorney.