Buffalo Lawyers / Buffalo Divorce Attorney Examines How a Pension is Treated During Divorce

Buffalo Divorce Attorney Examines How a Pension is Treated During Divorce

One of the most frequent questions I get as an experienced Buffalo Divorce Attorney is, “how is my pension handled in a divorce?”

  • Many people who have pensions want to know what happens to their pension after their divorce.
  • On the other hand, if their spouse is the one who has a pension, they ask if they are entitled to a portion of the other party’s pension.
  • New York State employs a formula based upon the length of the marriage and how long the owner of the pension worked for that company during the course of the marriage.
  • If the parties have been married and living together for 30 years, and the person whose pension is under consideration has been employed with that employer and earning a pension for the entire 30 years, each party would be entitled to 50% of the pension.

Are you worried that your pension could be divided in divorce?  Contact Buffalo Divorce Attorney Michael Ranzenhofer for guided experience.

This educational legal video was brought to you by Michael Ranzenhofer, an experienced Buffalo Divorce Attorney.