The Effects of a Restraining Order
- Sadly, some criminal activity has occurred (either inside or outside the home) and one person has made a complaint and filed a petition for a family offense, which is a violation of the law such as harassment, assault, or stalking.
- Once a complaint has been lodged, the court will issue a temporary restraining order directing the offender to stay away from the other person or not to commit further offensive acts.
- The matter is no longer simply one person’s complaint where one person alleges some sort of activity against the other. A judge’s order says, “You can’t do that,” and defiance would actually violate an order of the court, which has very serious consequences.
- If you are faced with a restraining order, you should seek clear advice as to what you can and can’t do.
Have you been charged with a restraining order and worried about your rights? Contact Buffalo Domestic Violence Attorney Michael Ranzenhofer for action.
This educational legal video was brought to you by Michael Ranzenhofer, an experienced Buffalo Domestic Violence Attorney.
Out of Town Resources
This Jersey City Domestic Violence Attorney has done a great job creating educational content. If you need help with a domestic violence claim in Jersey City, we recommend you take a look at their website.