What are the Differences Between a DWI and a DWAI?

Buffalo DWI Attorney Discusses Driving while Intoxicated & Driving while Impaired

As a Buffalo DWI Attorney, I am often asked about the differences between DWI, which is driving while intoxicated, or DWAI, which is driving while impaired. There are many differences. First, driving while intoxicated is a criminal misdemeanor, whereas driving while impaired is a traffic infraction. There are also many differences regarding the possible jail […]

Buffalo DWI Attorney Discusses Jail

Buffalo DWI Attorney Discusses Jail

As a Buffalo DWI attorney, clients often ask whether they will have to serve jail time for a DWI or driving while intoxicated case. DWI is a criminal misdemeanor where the possible jail is up to one year. Whether or not you’ll receive jail will depend on the circumstances including any past DWIs and the […]

Buffalo DWI Attorney Discusses Losing Your Job

Buffalo DWI Attorney Discusses Losing Your Job

As a Buffalo DWI Attorney, I am often asked by clients whether or not they will lose their job because of a DWI or driving while intoxicated offense. This will depend on many factors. First off, if you have a commercial driver’s license, you may not be able to drive any longer. You also need […]

What Is Hazing In The First Degree (NY PL 120.16)?

What Is Hazing In The First Degree (NY PL 120.16) In Buffalo?

Hazing is an issue which has been addressed in various ways by nearly all states, and at every college and university throughout New York. Because Hazing can pose a significant risk to a person’s health and safety, NY PL 120.16 specifically defines hazing, and prohibits it. Hazing is intentionally or recklessly engaging in conduct which […]