New York Truck Accident Cases

New York Truck Accident Cases

Were you or a loved one seriously injured in a truck accident? Before filing a lawsuit, it is important to have a good understanding of New York truck accident cases. If you are seeking compensation for a truck accident injury, please contact Friedman & Ranzenhofer today. Michael Ranzenhofer is one of our experienced Buffalo Truck […]

Information About Garbage Truck Accidents

Injured by a Garbage Truck

While it might seem rare and out-of-place, garbage truck accidents do indeed happen, and they do cause some serious injuries. Garbage trucks, which weigh over 50,000 pounds, are one of the leading causes of New York vehicles involved in serious injury and death. For more information about garbage truck accidents and how you can recover […]

Injured by a Garbage Truck?

Injured by a Garbage Truck

Garbage trucks weighing 50,000+ pounds are one of the leading cause of New York vehicles involved in crashes that result in serious injury and death. They are very dangerous because of: Blind spots. Backing. Trash containers are placed in locations that require backing where there are pedestrians and unexpected vehicle movement. Complexity. Most trucks have […]

Truck Accident Compensation

Truck Accident Compensation

If you are seeking truck accident compensation without the assistance of a lawyer, you will have to deal with insurance companies, trucking companies and their attorneys on your own. This will be a very difficult task indeed, and you’ll be lucky to walk away with a small fraction of what you’re owed. Our Buffalo truck […]

Truck Accident Injuries

Truck Accident Injuries

Are you suffering from truck accident injuries? Watch this video by our experienced Buffalo injury lawyer to learn how to protect your rights. Question: What should I do after being injured in a truck accident? Answer: Commercial truck accidents are fairly unique compared to your standard car accident case. In a commercial truck injury, sometimes […]

FedEx Ground Back in Court

FedEx Ground Back in Court

FedEx Ground Back in Court Over Independent Contractor Misclassification In mid-August, five delivery drivers who worked for FedEx Ground in the State of New York sought certification for a class action lawsuit against their employer on the grounds of misclassification. According to the plaintiffs, FedEx Ground took illegal deductions from their pay by classifying them […]