The state of New York offers many options for entrepreneurs and professionals to form companies, with each type of company providing different benefits and protections to its owners and partners. The most common companies include corporations and S corporations, partnerships and limited partnerships, LLCs and PLLCs, and sole proprietorships. Of these, an LLC might be the best option for businesses that seek to combine the limited liability of a corporation with the income and tax advantages of a partnership. To learn more about how to form an LLC in New York, listen to Buffalo corporate law attorney Robert Friedman’s advice in the video below.
LLCs are formed in New York State by filing articles of organization with Albany, which can be done in a matter of hours. We also draft an operating agreement and membership certificates, and then a notice must be published in two newspapers for six weeks to complete the process.
Are you interested in forming an LLC in New York State? Contact Friedman & Ranzenhofer today for experienced advice on how to form an LLC.
Our Buffalo Business Lawyers are committed to building a business relationship with our clients that will enhance their operations. When facing challenges in your business, Friedman & Ranzenhofer can provide you with skilled advice, guidance and focus to a successful outcome on any business issue.