Q: What is New York State Landlord Rental Assistance Program (LRAP)?
A: Effective October 7, 2021, the New York State Landlord Rental Assistance Program (LRAP) provides rental arrears assistance to landlords whose tenants have left their rental property or who are unwilling to apply for Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). Assistance may be provided for households with rent up to 150 percent of the Fair Market rent (FMR)for the county where the property is located. Landlords should gather all the information needed before starting an application, including proof of ownership and rental amounts. Documentation must be uploaded at the time of application in order to complete and submit the application.AR LRAP
Q: What are the eligibility requirements for NY LRAP?
A: New York landlords are eligible for LRAP if they meet the following criteria:
- The tenant left an apartment with unpaid rental arrears or the tenant with rental arrears residing in an apartment refuses to apply for ERAP and the landlord has contacted the tenant to encourage participation in ERAP at least 3 times, including 2 times  in writing.
- Unit rental amount is at or below 150 percent of the Fair Market rent (FMR)for their location. These limits are based on county and number of bedrooms of the rental unit.
- The landlord has documented rental arrears accrued on or after March 1, 2020.
There are no citizenship or immigration status requirements to qualify for the program. For the first 45 days of the program, priority is given to landlords who own buildings with 20 or fewer units. After 45 days, applications for all eligible landlords will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis as long as funds are available.
Consistent with the ERAP program, landlords/owners of units where the current or former tenant household’s rent is limited to a percentage of household income may apply for assistance, but the application will not be assessed for eligibility until all other applications have been considered and will receive assistance only to the extent funds remain available. Landlords approved for LRAP may receive up to 12 months of rental arrears payments for rents accrued on or after March 1, 2020. LRAP will not pay for future rental assistance or utility arrears.
Q: What information must landlords provided when applying for NY LRAP?
A: Landlords and property owners must provide the following when applying for LRAP:
- W-9 tax form must be entered by typing this information in the Owner Account on the LRAP portal.
- Proof of Ownership by uploading this information into the Owner Account on the LRAP portal.
- Executed lease with tenant, or if there is no written lease, a cancelled check, evidence of funds transfer or other documentation of the last full monthly rent payment. Upload pages of lease to at least include unit address, tenants on lease, monthly rental obligation, and signature page.
- Documentation of unpaid rent due from tenant by uploading a monthly rent confirmation form or ledger identifying the rental amount due by month. Do not include non-rent payments such as late fees or parking fees.
- Banking information by typing in direct deposit information in the Owner Account on the LRAP portal.
- If applicable, an owner affidavit or signed agreement designating the property management company/agent as authorized recipient of LRAP funds.
The property owner or an authorized property management company will be required to sign the application form and associated certifications agreeing that the information provided, including the amount of rental arrears owed, is accurate and does not duplicate a payment received from another program. Dates on which the landlord contacted the tenant to seek participation in ERAP must also be provided, if the application is for a tenant that still resides in the unit. Print landlord’s checklist.
Q: What terms and conditions must NY landlords agree to when applying for NY LRAP?
A: The property owner or authorized property management company must also agree to the following terms as a condition of accepting rental arrears payments:
- The LRAP payment satisfies the tenant’s full rental obligations for the time period covered by the payment.
- Waive any late fees due on any rental arrears covered by the LRAP payment.
- If the household is currently residing in the unit, not increase the monthly rental amount above the monthly amount due at the time of application for LRAP assistance for months for which rental assistance is received and for one year from receipt of the LRAP payment.
- That they have contacted a current tenant household at least three times, two in writing, to encourage participating in ERAP.
- If the household is currently residing in the unit, not evict the household on behalf of whom the LRAP payment is made for reason of expired lease or holdover tenancy for one year from the receipt of the LRAP payment. An exception to this requirement shall be made if the dwelling unit contains four or fewer units and the property owner or owner’s immediate family members intend to immediately occupy the unit for use as a primary residence.
Q: How does a NY landlord contact NY LRAP with questions?
A: Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. Contact by phone: 844-NY1RENT (844-691-7368) For the hearing impaired, TTY phone number: 1-833-843-8829. Contact by Webchat: Chat with a representative
Q: How does a NY landlord with a disability request a reasonable accommodation for applying for NY LRAP?
A: Reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities are available. Please tell us if you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for LRAP. Examples of available reasonable accommodations include assistance applying for LRAP, providing documents in an alternative format including braille, audio file (CD), data format (screen-reader accessible file on CD) and large print (18 point font) as requested, or TTY relay communications. To request a reasonable accommodation, please contact the call center at 1-844-NY1-RENT (1-844-691-7368). If you are hearing impaired, a TTY phone number is available by calling 1-833-843-8829. You may also request an accommodation by emailing [email protected].
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