Learn about what to know during a business lawsuit in this article for guidance. Then, give our Buffalo attorneys a call to get started today.
1) Starting a Business
- I recommend that clients use our services instead of online services to form their businesses.
- Because of the technical requirements we have found that it is much more efficient to hire an attorney when starting a business.
2) The Best Forms of Business
- There are 3 basic forms of business
- They are partnerships, limited liability companies, and corporations
- Speak with your accountant to see which form is best for your situation
3) Benefits of an Operating Agreement
- We draft operating agreements for limited liability companies.
- These specify the responsibilities of the member of the business
4) Recognizing Wage Theft
- The New York Wage Theft Prevention Act provides significant recovery for employees who have had their wages withheld from their employers.
Do you have questions about a legal business issue? After learning what to know during a business lawsuit, contact our dedicated and experienced Buffalo Business Law Attorneys for legal assistance and to schedule a confidential consultation and case evaluation today.
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