Caregiver Child Exemption
Will I Qualify for Medicaid if I’m Paying a Caregiver Child?
Experienced Buffalo Medicaid lawyers provide insight into the caregiver child exemption and how to transfer your home to your adult child without penalty in this educational video. It is possible to qualify for Medicaid when receiving assistance from a caregiver child, but certain criteria must be met. In order to pay a caregiver child for her or his services in helping with personal and financial matters, a caregiver agreement is required. The caregiver agreement must provide for reasonable compensation for the child’s services and define exactly what her or his duties are. However, any of these payments that are not made to a caregiver child are subject to income tax. The Social Services Department closely scrutinizes these agreements. Therefore, it is important to consult with an attorney as to preparation of a caregiver agreement, which often can avoid family conflicts among children. This educational video was brought to you by
Robert Friedman, an experienced
Buffalo Medicaid Attorney.
Download Our Free Medicaid eBook Are you in the process of dealing with Medicaid? Friedman & Ranzenhofer are experienced Buffalo Medicaid Lawyers that can guide you through the process. Related Medicaid Videos