Buffalo Lawyers / Preserving Assets

Preserving Assets

Preserving Assets with a Healthcare Proxy and Living Will

Preserving assets are an important part of protecting your legacy. Watch this video by our Buffalo elder law attorneys to see how it can help.
I recommend a healthcare proxy and a living will to all my clients for estate planning and Medicaid planning. In case of emergency, people of all ages should have a healthcare proxy and living will. Two of the most famous healthcare proxy cases were women in their 20s: Karen Ann Quinlan lapsed into a coma from drug and alcohol use, and Terry Schiavo languished for eleven years while her family fought over discontinuing life support. When choosing a healthcare proxy, a person will appoint an agent and an alternate agent to make healthcare decisions on that person’s behalf. In combination with this, for extra security, we recommend filling out a living will, which clearly states a person’s wishes in case he or she is in a coma, battling a terminal illness, or even coping with non-terminal illness such as the later stages of Alzheimer’s. It is also important in a living will to stipulate whether one wants tube feeding or artificial hydration. A living will can further provide for donation of organs and authorizing an agent to have access to a person’s HIPAA-protected documents. This educational video was brought to you by Robert Friedman, one of our experienced Buffalo Elder Law Attorneys. Download Our Free Medicaid eBook Every one of our elder law attorneys cares about seniors, their needs, and their individual situations. We understand that you’ll be sharing personal information with us and be making tough decisions. We will listen to your thoughts, concerns and will evaluate your needs, all while helping you find the best way to fulfill them.  Friedman & Ranzenhofer provide caring, experienced and knowledgeable representation to residents in WNY.  Let our knowledge guide you through the process.

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