Buffalo Lawyers / Medicaid Estate Recovery

Medicaid Estate Recovery

Protecting Your House From Medicaid Estate Recovery

Experienced Buffalo Medicaid Lawyer Robert Friedman explains how to protect your house from Medicaid estate recovery. Watch the video to learn more.
There are a number of protections for a person’s home if he or she has to move into a nursing home and receive Medicaid. First, a person can transfer the home to her or his spouse, and there is no penalty or look-back period for this. Alternatively, the home could be transferred in trust to one’s minor or disabled children. There is additionally an $840,000 equity exemption, even if a person is unmarried, as long as he or she intends on returning to the home. This educational video was brought to you by Robert Friedman, one of our experienced Buffalo Medicaid Lawyers. Download Our Free Medicaid eBook Are you in the process of dealing with Medicaid?  Friedman & Ranzenhofer are experienced Buffalo Medicaid Lawyers that can guide you through the process.

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