Buffalo Lawyers / Gifts to Disabled Children

Gifts to Disabled Children

Oftentimes, clients come to our office when planning for Medicaid and have questions about Medicaid gifting eligibility, particularly when it comes to gifts to disabled children. Watch this educational video by experienced Buffalo Medicaid attorney Robert Friedman to learn more.

In most instances, gifts that you have made over the past five years may affect your eligibility for Medicaid. However, there is no limit on how much you can give to disabled children. There’ll be no look-back period and no penalty.

Do you have questions about Medicaid gifting?  Contact dedicated Buffalo Medicaid attorney Robert Friedman for assistance. With over 38 years of experience, he has the experience needed to help you navigate the complicated maze of Medicaid rules (and exceptions to those rules) to help you and your family preserve the maximum amount of assets allowable by law Don’t try to qualify alone, contact us today and let our experience work for you! Download Our Free Medicaid eBook This educational legal video was brought to you by Robert Friedman, an experienced Buffalo Medicaid attorney.

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