Do Lawsuits Traumatize Children?
Dedicated Buffalo injury attorney Michael Ranzenhofer discusses child lawsuits and whether lawsuits traumatize children in this educational video.
A lot of parents, when they come in to see us about their child’s injury case, they are very concerned about their child, and they wonder, and they worry whether or not their child is going to be traumatized of having to go through the courtroom experience or a lawsuit. What I like to assure people is that their child’s experience and their experience with the court system is often very limited. First, a lawsuit is not always necessary, but if there is a lawsuit, the involvement of the child is really minimal. Over a course of two or three years, there may be two exposures where the child has to be involved, and only one of them would be in the courtroom.
One may be where they have to explain to the lawyers what happened, whether it’s a car accident or another type of accident, and in the unlikely event that a case did have to go to trial, they would have to come in, but there are protections for children in the event that they did have to come into the court room, but it’s nothing that is overly concerning. The amount of time that would be involved in this is very, very minimal, and there are certainly ways of preparing children to deal with these experiences, and over 37 years, we’ve handled a lot of these cases and have been very good at putting children and their parents at ease in the event that they would have to come into the courtroom.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This educational video was brought to you by Michael Ranzenhofer, an experienced Buffalo Injury Attorney.
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