When Should You Contact A Child Injury Lawyer?
Was your child injured and now you have questions about when you should contact a child injury lawyer? Learn more in this educational video from our experienced Buffalo Lawyer.
A lot of people come up to us, friends and neighbors, and they say their child has been injured in an accident. How long do I have? I tell them that there are two things that must be done immediately. One is to make sure that they’ve gotten the proper medical examinations and treatment but to contact us or another experienced law firm immediately because there are very, very strict time notifications depending on the situation.
For instance, a lot of cases happen where the child is at school or playing baseball in the town park. There are very strict and very short notice provisions that have to be given to schools, and towns, and other municipalities when your child has been hurt. Even though you may have a longer period of time under the law to bring any such claim, you should contact us or another experienced firm immediately to make sure that your child’s rights are being protected and you’re doing everything that you can to help your child and to protect your child for injuries that your child may have sustained due to somebody else’s fault.
This educational video was brought to you by Michael Ranzenhofer, an experienced Buffalo Lawyer.
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If your child has been injured due to someone else’s negligence, our Lawyers understand that this is a difficult time for you.  Contact one of our Buffalo Child Injury Lawyers to fight for your child’s full recovery.